The year 98 was named after the boom of production, which is hoping to return to the automotive industry this year with the naming of this year.
News ID: 3576    Publish Date : 2019/03/22

Currency exchange rate turbulence is affecting different industries and parts makers are not safe from it either. Companies which could handle more than half of country’s auto making are thinking about leaving this industry.
News ID: 2355    Publish Date : 2018/04/10

Part manufacturing industry experienced shocks during passing year. Some of them were the reasons of workshops shut down, but other workshops had sectional relief. What is the best way to revive part industry in the next Iranian year?
News ID: 2149    Publish Date : 2018/03/13

Three days ago, deputy minister of Industry, Mine and Trade talked about exchange currency revival and improve the financial situation of parts makers. Now the question is, according to the exchange rate turbulence and parts makers’ unpaid demands, does the government's financial plan benefit part industry?
News ID: 2041    Publish Date : 2018/03/01