News ID: 1827
Publish Date : 05 February 2018 - 12:42

Mercedes-Benz considers fuel economy and emission bands for cars

German brand believes such bands could help buyers of different driving styles better understand emissions for each car.
Khodrocar - Talking ahead of this evening’s A-Class reveal, Zetsche (pictured below) highlighted the benefits of the new emissions test cycles, Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) and Real Driving Emissions (RDE), which are being phased in this year, but admitted that there were internal talks within Mercedes as to whether more could be done to help car buyers find accurate information.

"The new regulations significantly address the issues of the old ones,” said Zetsche. "Under the old system, the focus was on CO2 and the tolerances for other pollutants were high. WLTP enforces a much smaller window of tolerance and tests across a much wider and more realistic range.

"But we can still see that the range is not the entirety - it does not take things like driving style into account. As a result, internally we are looking into the possibility of offering bands, for instance, that do give more realistic information on how driving style will affect your economy and emissions.

Meanwhile, Zetsche refused to be drawn on the latest scandal involving diesel fume testing on monkeys, declining to comment on that or whether he blamed Volkswagen for the current pressure the car industry is under. "There is nothing I can say that can help,” he said.

Source: Autocar