News ID: 1414
Publish Date : 21 December 2017 - 09:15

Vehicle Import Registration Website Shut Down, Positive or Negative?

It has been nearly 6 months since the closure of vehicle import registration website but it is said that this website will be reopened on 31, December. Some experts pointed out that the website closure had positive effects on car market.
Khodrocar – The vehicle import registration website has been closed since June, according to a decision made by the Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization and the imported vehicle prices starter to rise.

The government said that the reason was the exorbitance of vehicle imports, while some auto industry experts believed that the reason was to avoid the withdrawal of currency.

During the closure of the website, the price of some of the most popular foreign cars hit 160 to 200 million IRRs but from the beginning of the autumn, the price increments suddenly stopped. According to some experts, the prices couldn’t rise anymore. 

All of these stories happened during the closure of the website and there was kind of a clash between the government and the vehicle importers. The importers’ complaint increased day by day and some of them experienced major financial losses.

Meanwhile, some experts do believe that the closure of vehicle import registration website was a good thing for Iran’s car market. Abdollah Babaei, an automotive industry expert told Khodrocar regarding the issue: "The decision was logical, and was good for the imported car market.”

He said that, the government predicted the price increments before the closure and he believed that this decision controlled the market. In order to support the domestic automotive industry, this was the best decision to be made.

He added: "Now, with the entry of private companies into the automotive industry, the industry is moving towards privatization, because the privatization helped the automotive and part manufacturing industry to grow.”

Babaei believed that if the vehicle industry is supposed to be supported, it must be supported in all aspects.

He emphasized: "If the automotive industry emphasizes on the financial aspect of vehicle import, the prices continue to rise, but if they consider the consumable aspect, the prices and the market will be adjusted.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar MirKarimi
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh