News ID: 1202
Publish Date : 02 December 2017 - 10:41

Porsche Expects Half Its Annual Sales To Be Plug-In Hybrids By 2025

New models and an expanded charging network will help make that happen.
Khodrocar - We know there’s a large contingent of enthusiasts who don’t want to see the internal combustion engine fade away, but if Porsche’s beliefs hold true, the future of performance could indeed be a quiet one. Green Car Reports had occasion to speak recently with Porsche’s President and CEO of North America Klaus Zellner in Los Angeles, and he revealed that hybrid technologies have brought more new buyers to Porsche showrooms than any other new model from the company.

Furthermore, Zellner said that Porsche expects half of its global sales volume stem from plug-in hybrids by 2025, a figure far more aggressive than people might expect considering that’s just a few years away. It’s also more aggressive than estimates from Porsche’s stablemates at Audi, where 25 percent of global sales are expected to be of the hybrid variety for the same time period.

To do that, of course, means Porsche will need to offer more plug-in hybrid models. As it stands right now, the Panamera and Cayenne are the only current production models available with such technology. The Mission E will be another step, though it will rely solely on electric power to provide its punch. As for other hybrid offerings, Zellner didn’t have much to say, but he did talk about the other requirement for stronger plug-in hybrid and electric sales – the ability to recharge.

On that front, he said Porsche would be working on an 800-volt fast-charging system that can operate at up to 350 kilowatts. Such power should be able to provide an 80 percent charge to battery packs in 20 minutes. Porsche dealerships would utilize the fast-charging systems, but the company will also be seeking to increase charging stations at places like hotels and restaurants. There’s also Volkswagen’s Electrify America project, which is designed to beef up the charging infrastructure in the U.S. of the course of 10 years.

In other words, enjoy your flat-six engine sounds while you can. Changes are coming.

Source: Motor1