News ID: 1187
Publish Date : 01 December 2017 - 09:15
Khodrocar Reports;

Increasing the import tariffs without notice

The registration website sill close on importers and meanwhile there are some whispers about increasing the importing tariffs. The chairman of the Iranian Automobile importers association said that the association doesn’t know the changes in tariffs while the government promised to ask private sector's opinion about new policies.
Khodrocar – president and the First Vice-President who is the policy makers of 12th government had severally said that they are going to ask associations and private sector’s opinion about economic policies. The government neglect from importers critics and continuing the wrong policies in this field shows that they are forgetting their promises.

"Article 5 of the law talk about the improvement of the business and emphasizes on asking private sector’s opinion during policy making but we are observing the opposite. Unlike the promises and mottos about private sector we can see the genocide of private sector in action.” Farhad Ehtsham Zad, Chairman of the Iranian Automobile importers association said to Khodrocar reporter.

"Our main opponent in the competitive market is the government. More than 85 percent of the market belongs to the government and importers have only 6 percent of the market. In addition, importers have a lot of challenges even for this small share. Since 6 months ago, no cars had imported and even the official representatives are not allowed to import automobile.” He said.

"Importers have suffered a lot during this period. Right now, some companies are shutting down or decreasing employees. By counting the gray market, importers are losing about 1200 billion IRRs during this 6 months.” Ehtesham Zad added.

About 60 thousand direct and indirect jobs have been vanishing due to the registration website shut down. On the other hand, the government’s policy making on importing vehicles continues without discussing with the private sector, while Hasan Rouhani, the president of Iran has promised to open the doors of the auto market in the 2nd international auto convention. Now, his promises are not happening and customers and business men are suffering from the government’s wrong decisions.

Khodrocar Reporter: Asal Dadashloo

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani