National Competition Council, Consumers and Producers Protection Organization, Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade, Parliament, Car makers… which one is responsible for this mess in car market and price increments?
News ID: 3208    Publish Date : 2018/08/30

Many countries that are famous vehicle part manufacturers, are not good at car manufacturing however, Iran has the both. Is it necessary to be both a car and part manufacturer?
News ID: 2747    Publish Date : 2018/06/02

Finally, after two years, the production of Volkswagen cars in Iran will begin by the Mammut Industrial Group.
News ID: 1653    Publish Date : 2018/01/18

After the approval of JCPOA, the automotive industry started to count on foreign investments but after two years just three contracts have been inked and there are still lack of foreign investments.
News ID: 1576    Publish Date : 2018/01/07

It’s been a long time since Iranian automakers inked few memorandum of understanding with foreigner partners, but only one of them have been turned to a signed contract.
News ID: 1044    Publish Date : 2017/11/19

Volkswagen Group's Spanish unit Seat is no longer looking at the possibility of entering the Iranian car market, saying it needs to concentrate instead on boosting growth in its core markets in Europe, northern Africa and Latin America.
News ID: 689    Publish Date : 2017/10/20

Nowadays, Chinese automobiles conquered Iran’s under 1 billion IRR’s automotive market thanks to their car purchase facilities and options.
News ID: 548    Publish Date : 2017/10/03

Khodrocar reports;
The Renault’s joint venture was signed yesterday while 20 percent of this contract owned by the private sector.
News ID: 175    Publish Date : 2017/08/08

Khodrocar Reports, the last status of VW in Iran
After all the noise Mammut Company started with importing VW’s vehicles to Iran, everyone expected a sweet and interesting start for this disgraced German car company.
News ID: 155    Publish Date : 2017/08/05