It is rough these days with the Iran automobile industry. Sanctions are showing effects on the industry without any counter measures from the sleeping authorities. Yet the negligence of some companies cannot be waivered.
News ID: 3259    Publish Date : 2018/09/10

Renault Pars in cooperation with Children’s Right Support association launched the first ever portable kindergarten unique for those victims of earthquake in Kermanshah in order to follow up Renault’s global CSR program.
News ID: 3033    Publish Date : 2018/07/25

Last week, during a meeting with car medias the CEO of Renault Pars said that one of Renault plans is to produce green tires in Iran and now Iranian tire manufacturers welcomed this suggestion.
News ID: 1510    Publish Date : 2017/12/30

CEO of Renault Pars: The company’s plan for exporting vehicle parts has begun and the part manufacturers will join Renault-Nissan supply chain.
News ID: 1409    Publish Date : 2017/12/20