News ID: 702
Publish Date : 22 October 2017 - 09:41
Khodrocar studies;

Golden Opportunity For Iran’s Auto Industry/ Great Encouragement called “Free Electricity”

Electric Vehicles (EVs) produced to rescue the cities from pollution and now they become to be the main goal of automakers. Companies like Mercedes Benz have plans to cut the production of gasoline cars out in next few years.
Khodrocar – Auto industry is going to a great competition in the field of EVs. Right now, countries such as China are working on plans to ban the gasoline cars and it means that automakers have to produce EVs more than before.

EVs are expensive these days, but statistics show that they will be cheaper than gasoline vehicles by the 2025. Also more than half of cars will be replaced by EVs by the 2050. Regarding to this global change, Iran would be a potential market for foreign automakers.

However, the revolution in the auto industry would be a great opportunity for Iran’s auto industry to leap forward and become a great producer not an assembler.

Changing the entire industry needs new infrastructures and cultural changes. Also, the government has to think about some encourages to change the people tastes from gasoline cars to EVs. These are some important issues which are not available in Iran yet.

"Infrastructures have developed during the past few years, but it is not enough. Discounts on customs duties are such good plans to encourage the importation of hybrid cars and EVs, but we have to separate the field of hybrid cars and EVs at first.” Buick Alimoradlou, Advisor to the Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade said to Khodrocar reporter.

"We can have plans to ban the gasoline cars in the future like other big countries. Encouragements are the main need for our industry and culture. It would be a good idea to give the battery to EV owners for free at first. Also, we can have a plan to rent the battery to them. EV owners would pay the monthly fee and get the battery whenever they need.” He added.

"Charging docks are the next issue which needs more attention. Some companies are working on this matter and municipality is negotiating to develop charging docks in Tehran. Ministry of Energy is the other organization which could help this industry. We can free the electricity for EVs in the first couple years to encourage the people to use this kind of vehicles.” He mentioned.” Iranian automakers have to set a target for 2025 and change their productions till then.”

As it seems, we need more encouragement for people and automakers to develop EVs in the future. The revolution of the auto industry is not far from us and we can use it to become an auto industry hub in the region and the world.

Khodrocar Reporter and Translator: Amin Zamani