News ID: 540
Publish Date : 02 October 2017 - 09:15
Khodrocar Studies Why Major Drop in Iran Vehicle Export Rate:

Automakers’ Old Chips of Play/Belgians Ride Quick

The vehicle export statistics of the first 5 month of the current year shows 25 percent drop while the new vehicle production contracts are signed with the emphasis on a 30 percent export.

Khodrocer Reporter Says: Iran economy has various active industries and automotive industry is one of them. If this industry kept in good shape it can also activate other industries as well. That’s because every vehicle is formed by an average of 30 thousand parts production of which will involve multiple industries.

The strategic plan of the ministry of industry, mine and trade is set that by the end of 1404 the total of 21 billion dollars worth of vehicle and parts exported from Iran which includes 15 billion dollars just the vehicle export share.

This plan was set while the predictions showed 2.2 billion worth of vehicle export in the current year. The total vehicle production predicted in the current year is 1.4 million units of light vehicles and 40 thousand of commercial vehicles.

The studies show that in the first 5 month of the current year more than 1193 units of vehicles were exported including vehicles such as SAIPA Pride, Saina and Quick, IKCO Peugeot Pars and Samand as well as one Lexus NX300h.

Iran export target countries were Iraq, India, China, Czech Republic, Romania, Guinea, Italy, France, UAE, Azerbaijan, Germany and Belgium that one unit of SAIPA Quick was exported to China and one was exported to Belgium. It seems that the one Quick sent to Belgium was so that the Punch Powertrain Co. could test the new automatic transmissions on it.

Now the question is that even considering the increase in variety of vehicle assembly in Iran and the emphasis of the ministry of industry, mine and trade on export based productions, why this major drop in export rates are registered and is there any hope to make the export target rate set for 1404?

"Targets set for 1404 from ministry of industry, mine and trade are based on new automotive contracts and some news suggests that if 30 percent of the productions of the new contracts are not exported, the foreign party of that contract is going to be fined.” Said Amirhassan Kakaei in an interview with Khodrocar journalist.

This automotive experts added: "Export does not only need product to happen. This need series of processes and the most important condition to it is proper political and commercial relations. As an instance, some countries formed various groups through which economical trades are done in the frame of political relations.”

"Vehicle purchase worldwide is done through leasing and bank, therefore if an Iranian automaker wants to gain a popper position in the market of a target country, it must first settle some suitable conditions for the customers with the help of a local bank.” The expert added.