News ID: 4906
Publish Date : 19 August 2024 - 15:22

What is the Minister's proposed plan to change production practices/prerequisites for large-scale economical production?

Meanwhile, supporting large-scale and economical production is one of the programs proposed by the Minister of Industry, and it is mentioned that currently, part of the lack of production circulation of car manufacturers is compensated by small assemblers, whose production level is also not economically justified.

What is the Minister's proposed plan to change production practices/prerequisites for large-scale economical production?Khodrocar - For years, car manufacturers are only looking for the annual car production target and its realization without considering the economic production, and in the meantime, due to the low circulation of the production of some cars, the parts manufacturers are hindering the production of these car parts. However, car manufacturers rely on the import of the required parts for production, so economic production has always had no place in the car industry.

In such a situation, Mohammad Atabak, the proposed Minister of Industry, has promised to support production on a large scale and economically, and although there are capacities to fulfill this promise, there is no doubt that the infrastructure to realize this need to be created in the automobile industry.

Saeed Madani, the former CEO of Saipa Group, says: Although not all matters are under the control of the Ministry of Industry and other sectors also play an effective role in realizing this goal and plan, there is definitely no other option than high-scale economic production.

Referring to the accumulated demand of recent years, he adds: despite the production capacity of more than 1 million 800 thousand cars per year, the average production is about 1 million 200 thousand cars per year and in the last 8 years About 500,000 units have been produced below the capacity of the car, which has led to 5 million accumulated demands.

Madani stated that about 500,000 imported cars have also played their role in the automobile industry: these cars have remained in mass demand both in terms of price and competition, and although assembly companies are compensating. They are part of this demand, but these products are mostly one-dimensional and Chinese.

This auto industry expert continues: Anyway, this program should be implemented like the vision of 1404, and one year before this vision, more than two million and 500 thousand cars should be produced so that while exporting part of this amount of production, part to replace worn-out cars, because the gasoline consumption of these cars will be a significant figure, which will significantly reduce the consumption of gasoline if they are removed, but unfortunately, no action has been taken in this regard.

Emphasizing the necessity of solving financial issues and problems, the pricing system and providing the infrastructure of automobile manufacturers, Madani adds: If automobile manufacturers are going to face a shortage of gas in the winter and a shortage of electricity in the summer, just like other large economic enterprises, do this. Programs will be very difficult.

 Madani considers planning to achieve such goals very appropriate and right and says: repeating the current situation under the pretext of existing conditions will lead to decline and will lead to the destruction of the industry.

He says: In the current situation and in the shadow of mass production, the space will be provided for development projects, quality and export products, although only a part of the realization of these conditions is in the hands of car manufacturers, and if it is possible for car manufacturers in the current conditions to operate and the supply of gas, electricity and liquidity is the same as it is now, it has seen a turtle growth and a limited increase in the production and assembly of a few limited models, and one cannot expect more from the automobile industry, and even the annual production of two million vehicles is only for domestic needs. And it will be replaced with worn out cars, although we will not see any growth in this industry if global communication is not improved.

Madani continues: If global communications are not developed, even if the best car is produced, not only will it not be possible to export it, but it will also not be possible to receive money from the sale of cars. 

According to him, not only the automobile industry but also Iran's economy is dependent on these connections, and on the other hand, it must be accepted that mismanagement, weakness and corruption are abundant, so that Iran's rank in the field of corruption index has gone from 86 to The rank of 150 has increased, which shows that the indicators related to corruption are growing, so all these things go hand in hand and have an impact on the automobile industry, whose growth depends on these things. Madani emphasizes: The growth of the automobile industry depends on global communication, otherwise, if the preconditions are provided, we will only see an increase in the production of current cars.