News ID: 4884
Publish Date : 03 July 2024 - 15:37

Semi-autonomous driving level 2.5 with Arrizo 8

Advanced driver assistant systems are technological features to increase safety, and Arrizo 8, as the most luxurious assembly car in the market, has become a distinctive car in our country's car market with 14 smart radars.

Khodrocar- Today, advanced driver assistance systems or ADAS have become an integral part of luxury and world-class cars. This system uses various sensors, cameras, radars and other numerous technologies to collect the required information from the vehicle's surroundings and increase safety and speed of reaction through early warning and automatic systems.

Among the luxury sedans in our country's market, Arrizo 8 is the leader of our country's automobile industry with 14 advanced driver assistance systems. Arrizo 8 radars operate with a detection range of at least 210 meters in the front and 70 meters in the back, and with 360-degree monitoring, you will have a high level of active safety in your travels.

To know the benefits of these radars and their valuable results, we are going to review the radars in Arrizo 8, which will introduce you to semi-autonomous driving and technological leap in the automotive industry.

A set of motion radars in line
Lane Departure Warning (LDW): The lane change radar (on the car's cluster screen) warns the driver if you deviate from the road lanes unintentionally while driving.

Lane Keep Assist (LKA): If you ignore the unwanted lane departure warning on the cluster, this radar takes over the steering wheel and steers the car back into its lane.

Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB): When detecting an obstacle in front of the car and if there is a possibility of hitting it and the driver does not take action, the car's brakes are activated completely intelligently.

Set of line warning radars
Blind Spot Detection (BSD): If there is a vehicle in the car's blind spot, it warns the driver on the side mirror of the same side to avoid sudden lane changes. 

Lane change Alert (LCA): in case the driver does not notice the warning of the presence of a car in the blind spot in the side mirror and intends to change direction and move by activating the steering wheel on the same side, the sound of the car's steering wheel is cut off and the sound of the lane change assistant warning sound It is heard so that the driver notices the presence of a car in the blind spot.

Set of collision warning radars
Rear Collision Warning (RCW): As a result of a vehicle approaching too close from behind, the rear flashers of the car are turned on to attract the driver's attention and the driver is also warned. 

Forward Collision Warning (FCW): Alerts the driver when approaching an object or vehicle.
A set of exit radars from the park

Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA): When backing out of a parking space in reverse, this radar warns you if a vehicle is approaching in an intersection. 

Rear Cross Traffic Brake (RCTB): If you do not notice the proximity of a passing vehicle or object while exiting the park, this system automatically activates and stops the vehicle until the danger is removed.
Door warning radars

Door Opening Warning (DOW): If there is an approaching vehicle while opening the car doors, this radar will warn you to prevent a collision.

Night driving aid radars
Intelligent headlight control (IHC): When the system detects a vehicle approaching you, it automatically switches from high beam to low beam, and after the vehicle passes, the high beam is activated again. 

Auxiliary traffic radars
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC): This system monitors oncoming vehicles and maintains a distance from the oncoming vehicle, and accelerates again as soon as there is enough space. 

Integrated Cruise Assistant (ICA): At speeds of 60 to 150 km/h, this system keeps the car in the center of the lane by detecting road lanes while controlling speed and maintaining a safe distance from the oncoming vehicle.

Traffic Jam Assist (TJA): This system controls the accelerator and accelerator pedals in traffic conditions and in the speed range of 0 to 60 km/h and maintains a safe distance from the opposite car. 
A look at radar technology shows that with the activity of advanced driver assistant systems, the safety and quality of your driving increases to a very acceptable level, and the driver's environmental awareness of warnings and obstacles improves driving with more peace of mind during trips or daily trips.