News ID: 4684
Publish Date : 19 November 2023 - 12:45

Importation has got Chinese/ importer can’t import non-Chinese cars?

Meanwhile, the number of cars that are going to be introduced to the Iranian market increases every day, and with the introduction of each car, the question arises whether there is no plan for the import of non-Chinese cars in the Ministry of Industry, which will prevent importers and even Chinese car manufacturers in The first row of colleagues have put?
Khodrocar - About two years have passed since the approval of the liberalization of car imports and the actions of companies in the field of unveiling Hadid imported cars, however, we are witnessing a slow process in this field, so that after this period, only a thousand imported cars have managed to receive license plates.

Meanwhile, Mehdi Zaighmi, the head of the Iran Trade Development Organization, had hoped that 10,000 to 20,000 imported cars would enter the country every month. He announced the registration of orders for 70,000 imported cars in the Trade Development Organization and stated that the import of these cars from non-oil export locations as well as foreign currency locations is being well allocated to the applicants by the Central Bank.

After months have passed since this comment, what can now be felt in the market is the thirst and expectation for imported cars, so that there is an impression that no cars have entered the country yet.

Mehdi Zaighmi, head of Trade Development Organization, in an interview with Khodrokar reporter, emphasized that his statements were accurate and meant the monthly import of 10,000 to 20,000 cars from December onwards, because from this time on, based on the amount of order registration and Allocation of foreign currency to the amount of car imports will increase by the same amount and currently the situation is progressing with the same logic.

Zaighmi considers the reason for the slow clearance of this category of cars, apart from the standard processes, to be the 5-year suspension of this process and clarifies: It is definitely difficult to redo the process that was stopped for about 5 years, while many importers are looking for They were whether the laws and regulations were implemented correctly or not, while this happened before in the 80s and it took two years for the situation to return to normal, but now this procedure has become a routine.

In addition to the slowness of import clearance, what has now become a serious question is the Ministry of Industry's plan to import non-Chinese cars. What comes out of the unveiling shows that importers prefer to go for Chinese cars for any reason. So that except for a few limited cars, the rest of the introduced cars were Chinese.

The head of the trade development organization states that the reason for this is the capability of the importers and states: The import of non-Chinese cars depends on the capability of the importers. Currently, the Ministry of Space Industry is not closed for imports other than the defined restrictions, so that currently non-Chinese cars are also imported and sold in the system, and the supply of these cars will be more prominent within the next three weeks.

He continues: Since Chinese car manufacturers have the possibility of supplying with a higher circulation, that's why importers prefer to cooperate with this category of car manufacturers, that's why these car manufacturers have a stronger presence in the country.

Regarding the price of imported cars and their high price, Zaighami says: Most of the imported cars have a price of less than 14,000 euros, and in terms of global tariffs, they are in the ranks of economic cars, because a car with a price of about 8,000 euros can pass Iranian standards. Or it does not have the standards of other approved countries such as China, the countries of the Persian Gulf and Eurasia, so it is mostly planned for cars with a price of 7 to 14 thousand euros.