News ID: 464
Publish Date : 23 September 2017 - 11:46
Director General of the Export and Import Regulations Bureau in Exclusive Interview with Khodrocar:

Parts of Vehicle Imports will be Subjected to Domestic Production/New Vehicle Import Regulation Details

In the past few days a photo of new vehicle imports regulations’ draft got published on line, a photo which Aliabadi, Director General of the Export and Import Regulations Bureau declined its validity.

Khodrocar - Aliabadi regarding the online publication of the draft about abortion of the Over 2500CC engine displacement vehicle import ban, said to Khodrocar Journalist that the published draft has got nothing to do with the proposal of the Minister of Industry, Mining and Trades.

The rest of the interview is as below.

· Is it possible that the online published draft meet the cabinet’s approval?

- The instructions sent to government from the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade was to reform and manage the vehicle import. The main goals of these instructions are to support domestic production and development of the export.

· Did Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade have no suggestions to lift the ban on vehicle imports with engine displacement over 2500CCs?

- This ministry had no suggestions regarding this very matter. The online published draft in parts is to develop export, supporting domestic production and also participation in production but there are talks about lifting the ban on vehicle imports with engine displacement over 2500CCs, yet the published text has nothing to do with Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade suggestions.

· In the published draft, do you approve the parts regarding the export based production and supporting domestic productions?

- Not entirely. Suggestions handed over to the cabinet from Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade are based on development of export, supporting domestic industries and also absorbing foreign investments in order to joint production. In the online published draft there are some similar suggestions mentioned so they could be derived from ministry of industry, mining and trade’s suggestions, maybe, yet I do not approve the online published draft in some medias.

· Does your emphasis over domestic production support and absorbing investments mean that import will be subjected to production?

- Regarding the matter of supporting domestic production there could be connections with subjection to domestic production but not entirely. It cannot be said that the vehicle import is subjected to production.

Khodrocar Translator: Mostafa Anisi