News ID: 4556
Publish Date : 02 March 2023 - 10:18

Elaboration of the latest amendments in the contracts of component manufacturers

The revision of the contracts of the parts manufacturers is being implemented in line with the inflation rate from the car manufacturers and in line with the opinions of the parts industry activists, so that it is said that only about 20% of the contracts are with the previous prices, which are also in the order of correction.
Khodrocar - Emphasis on updating the contracts of component manufacturers in a situation where the dollar price fluctuates daily and affects the value of liquidity available to the activists in this field, is always one of the emphasis of the supply chain. Although car manufacturers have taken measures in this sector, there is still a long way to the ideal.

The managing director of Sapco recently announced the update of the prices of the component manufacturers' contracts in this company based on the annual routine and stated that this action was taken after obtaining the necessary permits in coordination with the Iran Khodro Industrial Group and along with the price changes of the production inputs, analyzing the conditions. Economic and business environment has been done.

Behrooz Ghafari considered the revision of about 12,800 parts related to 600 manufacturers as a time-consuming process and informed about Sapco's actions in this regard since the beginning of this year and updating 70% of the contracts by the end of December.

  The positive cooperation and interaction of Sapco and component manufacturers in the review of contracts, along with the policies of the government and the Ministry of Safety and other departments of price analysis, control measures have been applied in order to reduce costs, optimize processes, and increase productivity and efficiency of the system in Sapco. The builders have also applied the mentioned procedures in order to be stable in difficult conditions in the order by relying on expert procedures and principles in price calculations.

These numbers are the same as the former CEO of Iran Khodro Industrial Group announced in his press conference with reporters about the 80% reform of the component manufacturers' contracts and emphasized that these reforms are still ongoing.

"The organization of the contract with the parts makers was done with a special concentration to cover the goals of Iran Khodro by guaranteeing the production by the parts makers.” Mohammad Reza Najafi Manesh, manager of part manufacturing association told khodrocar reporter. 

"Many negotiations have been held with the car manufacturers, including the issues of correcting wage rates and making them real.” He added. 

The head of the Association of Homogeneous Parts-Making Industries states: Considering the current inflation in the country and also the long period of time that has passed since the completion of the contracts, this amount loses its value in practice, so the part makers' suggestion is to receive a "guarantee check" from the part maker.