News ID: 4505
Publish Date : 08 January 2023 - 11:31

2 limiting factors of the component industry in 2022 / Lack of electronic chips is a big challenge for the component industry

Meanwhile, in these days last year, the automobile and parts industry was experiencing new conditions under the influence of the lack of electronic chipsets due to the increase in demand for electronic products, which experts in the industry emphasize, the spread of the corona virus and the war between Russia and Ukraine were factors. which showed that even developed countries are affected by factors such as disease and politics.
Khodrocar - At the same time as the spread of the corona virus and the increase in quarantines, we saw a decrease in the production of most industrial products, including cars and parts, the main reason for which was the lack of electronic chips or chipsets.

As one of the main parts of automobile production, this piece has a lot in common with other electronic goods, and since the need for electronic devices increased due to frequent quarantines, the production of these devices increased and the need for electronic chipsets increased. increased and caused other industries, including automobiles, to face a shortage of this part, which also affected Iran's automobile industry.

On the other hand, with the reduction of the corona virus, we saw the beginning of the war between Russia and Ukraine and the serious threat to Vietnam from China, which caused the production to be affected. Now, with the end of 2022 and the increase in demand for cars, the question arises as to where the state of the parts industry will reach in 2023?

"The events that happened last year were a push to come to the conclusion that in economic and industrial discussions, you can't ignore the aspect of politics, and while developing countries always pay attention to the experience of industrialized countries and the non-interference of politics in the economy. but in the last year, it was proved against this issue and unpredictable threats that were beyond our control, such as the spread of the corona virus, involved the whole world.” Omid Rezaei, activist of part industry told khodrocar reporter.

" Every country that was more dependent was more affected by these events and suffered losses. Among them, we should mention the war between Russia and Ukraine, which had a great impact on the price of fuel, and Europe faced many challenges, but the fact is that apart from political issues, disasters Unpredictability must be added to production challenges." He added.

This component industry expert stated that Corona had its main impact on electronic components and subcategories because this category of components requires a very high amount of investment, which also requires high technical knowledge and cannot be found anywhere in the world. These pieces are gone and there are no similar ones, so focusing on collections such as Taiwan, which played the main role, along with Korea and even China, America and Europe, showed that this disease had a good impact.

"Taiwan, as the main producer of electronic chips in the world, apart from the corona disease, was also facing threats from China, and this policy was not ineffective in reducing the production of this category of parts. At the same time, with the increase in the demand of computer games due to spending more time in the market house, it was more inclined to produce these products, because the electronic parts are similar in most of the products, this high volume took the chips and the parts manufacturers with a large shortage Chips were encountered in the market, which was partly focused on redesign and defined by reverse engineering of the alternative design, but partly faced with the lack of alternatives because it required a long time from design to production.” Rezaei said.

"If the whole world was affected by these shortages, Iran was doubly affected by this situation, despite the fact that Iran was never able to buy directly and used to buy through intermediaries, and because of the sanctions, Taiwan was not able to cooperate with Iran. With the spread of Corona, the work became more difficult and increased the prices and increased the delivery time, so that after three years of Corona, it takes more than 70 weeks for some orders to be prepared, which caused a part of the demand from the market and Stocks were provided so that the line would not be stopped, which created challenges in terms of timing and price.” He mentioned.

"Previously, if the industry was referred to as a big global village, now this meaning has been affected and a number of main parts that play an essential role are produced by countries and with the cooperation of some other countries according to the need. and there is no example that this intelligence and tact can be seen in internal collections and avoiding the risk of body and platform design and internal capability, but these events caused us to review the industry in order to witness such vulnerable events. How much will it increase countries including Iran that are facing restrictions.” he said.

"With all these ups and downs, Iran's component manufacturing did not get a bad score last year because it was able to produce more than last year and create a variety of new platforms. and they were not able to express themselves with problems, however, in this circle, small circles should not be ignored, but this view should be comprehensive and efforts should be made so that the narrow circles also reach the solutions that have manifested themselves. Regarding his prediction of the future of the parts industry in 2023, he also states: It seems that the best time to predict the situation with minimal deviation is next month, but what is certain is that the circulation will increase.” He continued.