News ID: 415
Publish Date : 17 September 2017 - 09:41
Khodrocar studies:

Unpredictable Fall Awaits Auto Market

As the predictions show, order, registration website which known as “sabtaresh” will be open for car importers in next month under new rules such as “car importing with condition of production”. This would change the market in the up coming months
Khodrocar – Car order registration website got closed since July 3th even on certified importers. Now, there is some news about the government’s new importing instruction which will be executed in the coming days and then the website would be open to register orders.

"The exact time for opening the website is not clear. I can’t promiss from the government but it doesn’t seem to be in far future.” Ali Aliabadi, the Director General of the Export and Import Regulations Bureau said.

As the news shows and according to Aliabadi sayings, the order registration website would be open in the next month.

Some experts think that there would be few changes in the importing instruction. The most important change is the "importing with condition of production in Iran”. Now there is a question, what will be the reaction of the market to the new instruction after three months?

"The government could review the importing instruction, as the website working along and there was no need to ban the registration. The automotive market is in chaos during the two recent months and the effects of "order registration website” ban will become visible in the next two or three months.” Ali Shokohi, expert of automotive marketing said to khodrocar reporter.

"Currently, demands for importing cars are focused and the market will exit the systematic situation after the opening of car order registration website.” He added. " New instructions will emphasize on production. Quantity and components of "importing with condition of production” is very important.

Shokohi mentioned that the government’s income from car import taxes was not achieved so some changes happened in the market. On the other hand, the government has faced issues from this problem.

It seems that car importing will face new conditions due to opening of order registration website and auto market will have some changes in the coming fall.

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani