News ID: 3344
Publish Date : 29 September 2018 - 08:19

Vehicle Price Raises as Dollar

Exchange rate and dollar price is still growing fast die to US sanctions against Iran. Despite domestic vehicle manufacturers’ pre-sales plans, vehicle price follows Dollar respectively.
Khodrocar – Despite the increase in price of vehicles people still look at vehicle market as a good place of investment. Therefore after Dollar and Gold, vehicle is what absorbs liquidity of the mob.

Vehicle imports were banned months ago. That is why used import cars are now on roll to sell for more than double of their true price. It seems now with such raise in price of the vehicles in the market the government needs to reconsider its forceful pricing strategies. That’s because the experts believe the raise in exchange rate will not stop and forceful pricing strategies will actually lead to bankruptcy of domestic car manufacturers because the raw materials needed to produce the vehicles are getting more and more expensive and without having the permission to raise the price of their products, they will soon become bankrupt.

"Some experts believed that if the prices are set still the manufacturers will face a part time damage but at last the market will reach a state of stability. I as an expert of automobile industry believe that considering the circumstances, this is not possible anymore.” Said Amir Hassan Kakaei previously in an interview with Khodrocar journalist.

Most experts believe that the vehicle market is going to experience periodical raise in prices not until the economy become stabilize. The government first needs to calm the economy down and then think of a good solution to absorb the floating liquidity in a good way. Maybe the floating liquidity of the people is better and more effective for the economy if it is spent in the circle of economy of the county than being spent in car market. This is not possible without deep investigations of deft experts in economy of the country.

Khodrocar Journalist: Sepide Ghazinejad
Khodrocar Translator: Mostafa Anisi