News ID: 2842
Publish Date : 18 June 2018 - 09:27

Is there any Solution for the Market’s Disturbance?

Iran’s auto market is going deep into shock as the difference between factory price and the market is getting bigger. On the other hand, automakers are announcing the end of sale plans and stop registering for new car. The question is, are the sale plans full or automakers are storing their products?
Khodrocar – Deep review of the market shows that the reality behind the full sale plans may have two reasons. Frist automakers aren’t able to supply the market demand
which shows the real problem of production in Iran’s auto industry or the second reason is automakers are storing their brand new cars to heat up the market in order to attract other possible customers to buy their products.

Most of automakers haven’t talked about their problems about the foreign partners yet however in some cases the foreign partner has ended the partnership but Iranian sides are saying they are controlling the situation. As the result the problems that automakers are talking about isn’t related to the JCPOA difficulties. Then what is the problem?

"During the past year, I’ve never seen a person could buy a car form online pre-sale but automakers are saying that the sales are full so who is buying these cars immediately?” Saeed Motameni, chairman of exhibition and auto dealers union told Khodrocar reporter. "Automakers say that online purchases are done by the middlemen but I think that middlemen are the jobbers who are working alongside the automakers. They are buying the car with high discounts and then store them without answering any organization. This will make the price difference between the factory and the market.”  

"If automakers want to face with such problems they have to know its specific way. At first, automaker can sell the car with a long term non-transferable document. By this way, jobbers won’t buy a car which they are not able to sell for 2 or 3 years. Also, automakers can sell the cars with a specific name and the middleman must give the car to the customer within 48 hours. By these two ways, the car will be in hand of the customer in no time.” He added. "The way of disturbing cars in the country is wrong. If the car reach the customer in a proper path and immediately then we won’t see any of these price differences.”

Storing any types of goods will result in price increment then customers and those who need the good will be more greedy to buy and store the product. As the result, requests for that specific good will increase unreal and it will increase the instability of prices and the market. Cars are not an exception in this example. The good news is these fluctuations are easy to be controlled but the exclusivity should be taken from the automaker. Also, different supervisions and limitations can control the market too.

Khodrocar Reporter: Mostafa Anisi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani