News ID: 2538
Publish Date : 05 May 2018 - 10:26

The Ambiguous Future of Electric Motorcycles in Iran

The global transportation system is going toward the electric cars and motorcycles with clean fuel in order to prevent the air pollution, but it seems that there is no plan for it in Iran.
Khodrocar – in recent years and by the growth of electric cars, some countries like England, France, Norway, Spain, Greece, China and India announced that they intend to ban all gasoline and diesel vehicles till the 2030 or 2040 to prevent the air pollution and save the environment.

Most of transportation analyzers have predicted that market of electric motorcycles will grow significantly till 2023 and 40 million of them would be produced. Meanwhile, in Iran, stopping the production of carburetor motorcycles and replacing them with fuel injected ones and also standardization of motorcycles to euro 4 has reduced the production. Fuel injection motorcycles are not selling well and according to the experts, purchasing electric motorcycles is not affordable for the middle range of society.

"During the past decade, 5 or 6 models of electric motorcycles have reach the production but they didn’t succeed in the market. Last year, electric motorcycle reached the government cabinet meeting and some ministers ride it but it didn’t have result.” Said Ali Shokuhi, an expert of auto industry.  

"There are lots of problems and electric motorcycles are not the priority. In addition, the current models and past generation motorcycles are produced with low costs and replacing them with electric models would have some costs for factories and they have to bring in new technology. Also, the government is responsible for making the infrastructure of charging all over the country. However, as it seems we won’t see anything happen, at least in the next 4 years and after that maybe electric motorcycles could have a small share of the market.” He added..

"The procedure of producing and commercializing electric motorcycles needs time and costs a lot. Also, a group of professional experts should work on this case.” Shokuhi continued.  "Companies are working with their own money and the government doesn’t help them properly.”

Khodrocar Reporter: Sepideh Ghazi Nejad

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani