News ID: 2369
Publish Date : 13 April 2018 - 09:15

Japan, the Center of Reliable and High Quality Vehicles

Japanese vehicles are well known for their high quality and reliability among people and researches of global institutes are proving this matter in the past decades.
Khodrocar – When we are talking about reliable and hardworking vehicles and compering them with European and American products, Japanese cars are popping up in our mind. However, these days technology has got beyond our imagination and all companies, are competing at the highest levels, but Japanese companies made our mind that their product is the best. This mindset is their strength point of selling more products in the world.

Japan’s auto industry is one of the biggest and most powerful industries in the world and their auto industry in among the top 3 since 1960 in the matter of quality and production rate.

The only reason that put Japanese automakers ahead of other companies backs to 70s till 90s when they had a different vision of managing quality and overtake other companies like Koreans, Americans and European.

The latest Japanese production method is called "Just In Time” and it’s a symbol of Japanese order and precision which decrease the costs of storage to none. This method has helped companies to manufacture high quality products with lower final price and we can see it in the best-selling vehicle of all time, Toyota Corolla.

Japan’s auto industry began in 1910 and the oldest Japanese automaker in not Toyota, Mazda of Honda but it’s Subaru which established in 1917 and mass products its first vehicle in 1955. But the start point of Japanese automakers is somehow near each other.

Companies like Toyota, Lexus, Mazda, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Honda, Subaru and Acura are making the base of Japan’s auto industry and they have some subsidiary relations with each other. But can we call all of these companies "high quality producer?”

To answer this question, we have to mention that in today’s modern world, all companies are focusing on producing high quality vehicles, but some of them like Toyota, Lexus and Honda are ahead of others because of their rich history and according to the statistics Toyota and Lexus are at the top of the reliable auto makers in the world. Toyota, Lexus and Honda are the only Japanese companies which could compete with Porsche and Mercedes and calling all Japanese auto makers good is a bit out of logic.

It’s not bad to mention that Consumer Reports magazine have tested some vehicles in 17 different tests and at the end the list of final 20 reliable vehicles is all Japanese and made by Toyota, Lexus, Honda, Nissan and Mazda.

Khodrocar Reporter: Fazel Suri

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani