News ID: 2211
Publish Date : 21 March 2018 - 09:11

Difficult Way of EVs to Conquer the Auto Market

Electric vehicles are new members of the automotive industry. They are fuel efficient and have many other benefits, but they have not achieved a good market share yet and it is predictable that EVs will have a difficult way to reach a reasonable place against gasoline and diesel cars.
Khodrocar – step by step. EVs are growing in streets and about 2 million of them counting plug in EVs, are riding all around the world. We all know that global transportation is going toward electric vehicles but they have a long way to become the first choice of people even while their technology is growing.

The electric vehicle is a car that use battery instead of the internal combustion engine and the engine is under the body. Since 2008 with the development of battery technology, necessity to decrease the greenhouse gases and worries about the oil price increment, the EVs technology revolutionized. Major benefits of electric vehicles are reducing air pollution, reducing greenhouse gases and decreasing the oil dependence.

The electric vehicles are better than other cars in fuel efficiency and saving the environment and also they are technologically developed, but the global market request is not very well for them. Lack of infrastructures for using these vehicles and their high price are the main reasons for their low sales rate. In 2016, near 28 million cars sold in China and just 1 percent of them were electric vehicles. These statistics show that EV’s share in the biggest auto market, which has developed infrastructures is near 1 percent.

The competition of producing the best electric vehicle is getting hotter and they are competing each other for producing the best battery with the most range. We can find out about the automakers developments in this field at auto shows.

Countries like England, France, Norway, Spain, Mexico, China and India are the first countries to announce their plans for banning gasoline and diesel cars till the 2030. The EV market in China is so attractive and major auto companies are calling it as the target and have different plans for it.

One third of electric vehicles are found in China and right now there are 650 thousand EVs riding in this country. After China there is the USA with 565 thousand EVs. Since the 2011 to March 2016 about 500 thousand EVs have been sold in China, which is 25 percent of global sales. There are different reasons like request rising, governmental policies and private sector support for this statistic.

The best-selling electric vehicle in the world is the Nissan Leaf with 300 thousand units. According to statistics, 115 thousand of Nissan Leafs has been sold in USA, 90 thousand in Japan and near 98 thousand in other countries.

We shouldn’t forget that EV increment will decrease our dependence on the fossil fuels, but it could be a challenge for the electricity industry. Also, electricity distributors should power up their infrastructures and update them to give better service to the customers and EV owners. In addition, charging vehicles could make problems to the distribution network in peak times.

Meanwhile, we hope to see the end of gasoline and diesel vehicles to have more EVs and finish the air pollution and save the environment.

Khodrocar Reporter: Fazel Suri

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani