News ID: 2062
Publish Date : 03 March 2018 - 12:10

Harley-Davidson Goes Electric With Investment In Alta Motors

With an eye on future electric motorcycle development, the Motor Company teams up with Alta Motors.
Khodrocar - Well this is quite a surprise, and a pleasant one too. Harley-Davidson just announced that it made an equity investment in California-based Alta Motors, makers of the Redshift. This surprise collaboration was put together so that the two bike companies can share notes and work on electric motorcycle technology and new product development.

"Earlier this year, as part of our 10-year strategy, we reiterated our commitment to build the next generation of Harley-Davidson riders, in part, by aggressively investing in electric vehicle (EV) technology," said Harley-Davidson President and CEO Matt Levatich. "Alta has demonstrated innovation and expertise in EV and their objectives align closely with ours. We each have strengths and capabilities that will be mutually beneficial as we work together to develop cutting-edge electric motorcycles."

The fact that giant Harley took enough notice of little old Alta to invest in them says more about Alta than it does about the Motor Company. While not always the shrewdest company, Harley knows a good thing when it sees it. And, as we've discussed before, Alta's Redshift is seriously good. The brass over at Alta seems pretty tickled by the whole thing, as you might expect.

"Riders are just beginning to understand the combined benefits of EV today, and our technology continues to progress," said Alta Motors Chief Product Officer and Co-Founder, Marc Fenigstein. "We believe electric motorcycles are the future, and that American companies have an opportunity to lead that future. It's incredibly exciting that Harley-Davidson, synonymous with motorcycle leadership, shares that vision and we're thrilled to collaborate with them."

To paraphrase Diamond Joe Biden, this is a pretty big f***in' deal you guys. With Project Livewire back on track, and Alta's history of electronic motorcycle innovation, this collaboration promises to change the face of the growing electric bike business. Levatich thinks so, too.

"We believe that EV is where global mobility is headed and holds great appeal for existing riders as well as opportunity to bring new riders into the sport," said Levatich. "We intend to be the world leader in the electrification of motorcycles and, at the same time, remain true to our gas and oil roots by continuing to produce a broad portfolio of motorcycles that appeal to all types of riders around the world."

So, what's that mean for us? Hopefully it means a comprehensive, totally rad line of electric bikes from both companies and an energized (I see what you did there -JM) electric motorcycle market. Stay tuned for more about this in the future.

Source: Ride Apart