News ID: 1616
Publish Date : 12 January 2018 - 09:15

Scrappage Yards: Awaiting Car Makers’ Support

Scrappage yards went through a hell of troubles since the vehicle import registration website (SABTARESH) shot down six month ago and no domestic car maker supported them. Now scrappage yards are looking forward to new import vehicles on the way to the country after the registration website got reopened. Question is, how reopening of SABTARESH is going to affect and better scrappage yards’ current situation.

KhodroCar – Shot down of SABTARESH not only harmed car importers and registered official car dealer, but also affected automobile industry’s related businesses like worn out car recycle scrappage yards.

Drop in number of scrapped worn out cars caused serious problems especially for scrappage yards with lots of job losses leading to their shot down. Not even the increase in number of these scrappage yards from 120 to 200 did solve the problem because domestic car makers withdraw from their support and SABTARESH was shot down afterwards. Is reopening of SABTARESH going to of any help?

Amir Saifizade, worn out car scrappage expert believes that the main obstacle in the way of recycling and scrapping worn out cars is the lack of true and proper management.
"The scrappage yards now need the help of car importers because after the new minister of industry, mine and trade was assigned for duty, domestic car makers were exempt of scrapping worn out cars and now car importers are the only hope to scrappage yards.” Said Saifizade.

"The importance of scrapping worn out cars in each and every country is to help the reduction of air pollution and fuels consumption, to provide raw material for steel industry and to go with the flow of the car technology and that’s why it is important that every car maker in every country help this business. In Iran though the problem is the huge drop in the level of support from domestic car makers to scrap worn out cars.” Added Saifizade to emphasize the importance of scrapping worn out cars.

"According to the rules of residue management, the recycle process of every goods must be done by the same company that produces it, yet the car makers are exempt to do so while they are bound to scrap 330 thousand worn out cars annually. This huge number of scrapped cars can have major effect on air pollution and improvement of the related industries. In leading countries goods are all recycles from small to big but in Iran, recycling plastic good are even done inappropriately.” Said Saifzade.

"Scrappage yards are now hopping for car import which is wrestling with various serious problems itself. It was shot down sixth month this years, it might go off for another eight month the next. This rings the alarm bell for scrappage yards because car import volume in near future would directly affect scrappage yards.” Said the expert.

"Currently there are 2.5 million of worn out cars out there, not to mention the official statistics. Last year only 120 thousand of them were scrapped. Let’s assume 1 million car production figure along 200 thousand worn out car scrappage, this simple math shows the situation with air pollution and fuel consumption is not going to resolve this way.” Added Saifizade.

"It is necessary to set some seriously scheduled program with very strict management in order to walk in the path of true management in the field of global automobile industry.” Said Amir Saifizade.

KhodroCar Journalist: Negar Mirkarimi
KhodroCar Translator: Mostafa Anisi