News ID: 1193
Publish Date : 01 December 2017 - 11:40

Lamborghini Countach Render Gives The Supercar A Virtual Reboot

It takes serious guts to reimagine such a storied nameplate.
Khodrocar - The Lamborghini Countach is a tough act to follow. This epic supercar was so far ahead of its time that, even though it debuted in the 1970s, it still somehow manages to look futuristic today. Strictly speaking, the Diablo followed the Countach, and though it wasn’t quite as dramatic in the styling department, it was none the less an outstanding follow-up to a legendary machine.

What we have here, however, is a very different kind-of follow-up – one that’s infinitely harder to achieve. That’s because these fan renderings don't represent a possible Countach successor, but of a new Countach. The brave artist behind this endeavor is Matthew Parsons, and yes, we say brave because anyone attempting to design a new Countach – even designers at Lamborghini – will surely face a wrath of scrutiny for even daring to suggest something could live up to the hallowed name. So for even tackling this subject, Parsons has our respect.

He also has our admiration for some seriously good artwork and designs, including this car. His page at Bē is chock full of designs that would be at home on teenage bedroom walls and automotive offices around the world. We consider this Countach rendering as part of that portfolio though we must be honest – while it looks great, we’re not sure it’s befitting the Countach name.

The front clip is well done, though the deeply sculptured hood doesn’t really pay homage to the Countach’s flat face. We love the wheels and side scoops, but the expansive roof and wraparound glass seems a bit too flush, rounded, and conservative. Where are the edges? The crazy-tall scoops? The Lamborghini madness? If we were shown this car on its own merit without any backstory or Countach references, we’d say this was some kind of new Koenigsegg. Sorry Matthew.

That’s not to say we don’t like the design – we see fan renderings all the time and honestly, this car is dead sexy. But does it do justice to the Countach name? We’d prefer to see a few more edges and some bonkers attitude before making that final call.

Source: Motor1