News ID: 1024
Publish Date : 17 November 2017 - 09:15

Vehicles Quality Grade are Censored/The Qualitative Assessments were Published Imperfect

The vehicle qualitative assessment of Mehr (October-November) was released by Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade on Wednesday while it was unclear and imperfect.
Khodrocar - Iran Standard & Quality Inspection Co. the ISQI, is bound to evaluate the quality of domestically produced vehicles. The company releases quality assessments by the beginning of the first half of every month on a routine basis. Yet Aban (November-December) has reached its end and there were no reports about vehicle quality assessments of Mehr (October-November).

Last Wednesday the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade, released the report but in a strange way. Unlike other reports there were no charts or schedules included in the documents and the report just discussed some limited number of vehicles. The report unlike any other reports published by ISQI, was unclear and imperfect with almost all low-quality vehicle brands’ names censored out.

It was since two winters back that the assessment procedures of ISQI were changed and more exacting standards were set with help of Automotive Industry office of the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade. It was right then that Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade was offered as the responsible organization to release assessment reports but finally it was handed over to ISQI. Now the transfer of duty is happened secretly and the latest released report shows that there are censorships and blurriness in reports about quality of domestically produced vehicles.

KhodroCar Journalist: Asal Dadashloo
KhodroCar Translator: Mostafa Anisi