Germany has declared last-minute opposition to a landmark European Union law to end sales of CO2-emitting cars in 2035, demanding that sales be allowed of new cars with internal combustion engines after that date if they run on e-fuels.
News ID: 4804    Publish Date : 2024/04/03

In Europe, the threat from China will be formidable, particularly in the electric car sector.
News ID: 4509    Publish Date : 2023/01/14

Most European car makers have already declared that they will go full electric by 2035, some of them sooner. The EU’s task is to get ready for this transformation, writes Frans Timmermans.
News ID: 4489    Publish Date : 2022/12/20

The regulations will govern Euro 7 engines, powering the final wave of gasoline and diesel cars that will hit the market before they are effectively banned by new emissions rules in 2035.
News ID: 4447    Publish Date : 2022/11/12

European commercial vehicle manufacturers have left Iran truck market due to ban of monetary transitions under circumstance of US sanctions. Along some other political and economy difficulties, the transportation industry of Iran is now at a verge of a fall.
News ID: 3340    Publish Date : 2018/09/27