According to the critical situation of country, in 1397 first effect come to car industry and car market, main problems was according to sanctions, car manufactures couldn’t provide parts and CKD , and couldn’t deliver car to their customers, this problem result was many customers lose their confidence, this sanction was unpredictable, and car companies face big problems, but customer have their rights. .
News ID: 3562    Publish Date : 2019/03/09

Were less than a month away from Tehran Motor Show and that is while various incidents like US sanctions against Iran, bad economy and self-sanctioning like banning the imports of foreign vehicles turned this motor show to a perfect playground for the mafia of domestic car manufacturers.
News ID: 3354    Publish Date : 2018/10/01

European commercial vehicle manufacturers have left Iran truck market due to ban of monetary transitions under circumstance of US sanctions. Along some other political and economy difficulties, the transportation industry of Iran is now at a verge of a fall.
News ID: 3340    Publish Date : 2018/09/27

Chinese car makers used to be counted as chances to renovate and grow Iran automobile industry but now they are considered as threats. Iran turned into the production site of Chinese vehicles without gaining much advantages and that now turn into an alarm for Iranian automobile industry authorities after more than a decade.
News ID: 3329    Publish Date : 2018/09/25