Releasing all goods from customs except vehicles pups the question what is the problem of the government with vehicle importation?
News ID: 3290    Publish Date : 2018/09/16

Iran automobile market looks a lot like the same market in Central and Eastern Europe these days. That is because of some similarities between the two regions. Similarities in the economy, politics and culture make vehicle taste almost the same.
News ID: 3172    Publish Date : 2018/08/22

Sanctions against Iran back in 2012 caused a huge load of discussions regarding the compensations that global car makers must pay Iran as they were the other party to the mutual automotive contracts with Iran. The party that left the country and abandoned the terms of the agreements and contracts so it is inevitable to pay some compensations. The question is that must there be any compensations during or because of sanctions?
News ID: 3162    Publish Date : 2018/08/20

Geneva Motor Show is an annual motor event that is held in Geneva, Switzerland and it is the most important car event for carmakers, journalists and experts. But what is so important about this motor show?
News ID: 2106    Publish Date : 2018/03/09

A variety of top-shelf carmakers are helping athletes reach new highs.
News ID: 1938    Publish Date : 2018/02/17

During the last two years, JCPOA had positive effects on Iran’s automotive industry but some believe that this joint comprehensive plan didn’t have any effects on this industry.
News ID: 1725    Publish Date : 2018/01/26