Last week, the minister of industry, mine and trade defended the current 85-step standards and this is while, few weeks ago, two other statesmen said that they will facilitate these standards.
News ID: 2173    Publish Date : 2018/03/16

Deputy Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade;
Deputy Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade: “The car production in the first 10 months of this year has reached 1 million 410 thousand vehicles and will reach 1 million and 550 thousand until the end of the year.”
News ID: 2017    Publish Date : 2018/02/26

KhodroCar reports;
Two days ago, Mohsen Salehinia, Deputy Minister of Industry Affaires said that “Bonro” production site will not be given to Renault, but they will offer two new production sites to Renault.
News ID: 1329    Publish Date : 2017/12/13