What color should rear turn signals be? In North America they’re usually red, and can also be amber. Almost everywhere else in the world, they have to be amber.
News ID: 3361    Publish Date : 2018/10/01

At least 40 complaints allege stalling caused by engine overheating.
News ID: 3012    Publish Date : 2018/07/21

Tesla's Model S and Model X are known for their crashworthiness, a trait the company has brought forward on many occasions and one that has been confirmed on the road several times as well.
News ID: 872    Publish Date : 2017/11/13

When it comes to problems in a car, the steering wheel coming off while driving ranks near the top of the freak-out meter. Apparently, there’s enough of concern at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on this issue that it’s launching a preliminary investigation into the Ford Fusion.
News ID: 799    Publish Date : 2017/10/29